Key Players Shaping the Stock Market Ecosystem: Roles and Functions. Lesson 5

Section 1: Start Your Stock Market Journey: Simple Lessons from A to Z.

Lesson 5: Key Players Shaping the Stock Market Ecosystem: Roles and Functions


💹Key Players In Stock Market Ecosystem.

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI):

Established in 1988, regulates financial markets in India.
Promotes the securities market, protects investors, and oversees market activities.
Frames rules, monitor stock and commodity exchanges, prevents manipulation, and regulates participants.

Stock Exchanges:

Connect buyers and sellers, and facilitate stock trading.
Main exchanges: Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Other operational exchanges: Calcutta Stock Exchange, Metropolitan Stock Exchange, etc.


National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Securities Depository Limited (CDSL) store dematerialized shares in demat accounts.

Depository Participants (DPs):

Registered intermediaries between investors and depositories.
Manage transactions and provide demat account services.


Registered trading members connecting investors to stock exchanges.
Facilitate buying and selling of securities.
Charge brokerage for transactions.

Investors and Traders:

Retail investors: Individuals investing in stocks.
Institutional investors: Corporate entities like FIIs and DIIs.
High Net-worth Individuals (HNIs): Individuals with significant capital.

Clearing Corporations:

Prevent defaults, and ensure proper fund and asset transfer in trades.
NSCCL (a subsidiary of NSE) and ICCL (a subsidiary of BSE) are key clearing corporations in India.


Facilitate fund transfers between bank and trading accounts.
Linking accounts ensures a seamless trading experience.


Stock Market Success: A Beginner's Guide

Section 1: Start Your Stock Market Journey: Simple Lessons from A to Z.

  1.  Why Should You Think About Investing? Lesson 1
  2.  When and How to Begin Your Financial Journey of Investing? Lesson 2
  3.  Meaning, Evolution, Types, Functions, Advantages and Disadvantages of Financial Market. Lesson 3
  4.  Diverse Dimensions of Financial Markets: Classification and Functions. Lesson 4
  5. Key Players Shaping the Stock Market Ecosystem: Roles and Functions. Lesson 5
  6. Understanding Stock Market Indices: Key Concepts and Benefits. Lesson 6



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